Date Give: 10/09/2024
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Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #165 - The Real Depth of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkos English Transcription:
Regarding the podcast:Real Depth of Rosh Hashana:
The Rov states Rosh Hashana is a day of Teshuva for sake of Tikun:& judgement for path of Tikun.
The question is Chazal saw R”H as the invokation of Hashem as Melech and in fact not as day of Teshuva - no mention of Chatoyim nor our doing of Teshuva!
The Rov should explain R”H as chazal identify the day in terms of the Tikun.
Malchoius, Zichronious, Shoferous. Not a day of Teshuva!
Thank You for insights!