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Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #160 -The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump and the Hand of G-D

Date Given: 07/17/2024

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Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #160 -The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump and the Hand of G-D English Transcription:

9 Komen

Cleta Spratt
Cleta Spratt
23 Jul 2024

Rabbi, I am Christian and I love listening to your wisdom. I'm glad you're talking about Jacob and Esau to elucidate the important roles of the posterity of each, and the prophecies that pertain to our modern world. I learned about a Messiah Ben Joseph who is mentioned in only one of the Jewish texts. When you said that America is different than England and Europe, I wonder if Messiah Ben Joseph is connected in some manner?


22 Jul 2024

It occurs to us the site of Trump's wound was the same as where a Nirtza would get drilled. We would be interested on hearing your thoughts on this. Thanks, we enjoy your shiurim. Jonathan and Ellen


21 Jul 2024

Rabbi, I was interested to hear your thoughts. I am not Jewish. First time listening. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I was particularly interested in your version about the brother component. You failed to mention why did the shooting happen in Pennsylvania? Particularly since the largest city in Pennsylvania is Philadelphia. Liberty bell, Declaration of Independence and Constitution were signed, Revolutionary site, etc. and of course it’s called the city of brotherly love. I think the proximity to all of that is very relevant. In addition, it reinforces all of what you were saying. Again thanks for an enlightening discussion. Blessings


19 Jul 2024

Isaiah 53 :6 all we like sheep have gone astray.."

In a manner of the natural, birth in a woman, in the manner of the supernatural, no seed of man,

Messiah is come fulfilling all scripture, all prophecy.

Isaiah 53:5 but He was pierced for our transgressions, our iniquities, ..."

"Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?" 53:1

Mark 15:2 are you the king of the Jews? Asked Pilate.

You have said so" Jesus replied. Malachi 3:27 ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to Me and I will return to you" says the Lord Almighty .


Robert Solomon
Robert Solomon
18 Jul 2024

Sorry about the comments - text limits.

Also, should have included the link :)

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